
eduction of breast milk production facing by lactating working mothers cause many of them to choose galactagogue to enhance their milk supply once returning to work. The aim of this study is to measure galactogenic property of biscuit made with different ratio of banana flower flour (BFF) and wheat flour (WF) in the formulations. Proximate analysis and sensory evaluations were carried out in first phase followed by human trial by supplying the prototype of biscuits and placebo to the respondents in the second phase. A total of 58 mother-infant pairs were divided into two groups; placebo and experimental and consuming the biscuits daily for a month. Expressed breast milk (EBM) and anthropometric indices of mothers and infants were recorded before and after the consumption. The ash and fibre content in the biscuits increased with the percentage of banana flour used. Biscuit with 50% of BFF was most acceptable especially in their taste, crunchiness and overall acceptance. This study showed that EBM volume after consuming BFF contained biscuit significantly higher compared to placebo group. The usage of banana flower is useful in the production of lactogenic biscuit in which could help increasing maternal milk production among lactating working women.