
The developments in Agricultural sector includes the application of technology systems, Earlier agriculture sector has been solely dependent on human labour with limited application of mechanical equipment and machines. The advanced developments include technology such as embedded computing, robotics, wireless technology, GPS/GIS and DBMS, soil sampling methods, future research in robotic based harvesters, food processing and packaging technology such as traceability and status of RFID networking research and packaging developments include the increase in the shelf life of food product such as Active and Intelligent packaging systems to monitor the condition of packaged foods during transportation and storage From past few years there has been a great expansion in the development of micro encapsulated food ingredients, it can suppress the volatility, flavor, odor and reactivity of food ingredients and these contents are protected from environmental conditions such as light, air and moisture. The techniques used for micro encapsulation include spray drying, spray chilling, extrusion, inclusion complexation and co crystallization Developments of Nanotechnology in food includes the usage of silicate Nano particles in food packaging to provide a barrier to gases or moisture in a plastic film and in corporation of zinc oxide Nano particles into a plastic packaging to block UV rays and provide anti bacterial protection. Nano sensors are being developed to detect bacteria and other contaminates such as salmonella at the time of packaging Developments in dairy include probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics. These food supplements termed as functional foods have been demonstrated to alter, modify and reinstate the pre existing internal flora. Most commonly used probiotic stains are Bifido bacterium, lactobacilli, S.Boulardii, B.coagulans and prebiotics like Fos, Gos, Xos and inulin. Probiotics and prebiotics together are termed assynbiotics and are able to improve the viability of the probiotics.